At the end of the route through northern Margarita, we stopped at Juan Griego and climbed the Fortin de La Galera to see one of the most beautiful sunsets, second post about my trip to Margarita.
Instagram Enero/January 2015
I'm back to Instagram formally after a couple of months without a phone, and what better way to start the year with a much needed trip to La Isla Margarita in the Venezuelan Caribbean.
Cat el gato de la casa de mis padres
For the year I have been visiting my parents more often, I found that inhabits a new pet, "Cat" as he called by my father, is a street cat that came and stayed to live in the garden
Najimel en Zipper
Just over a year ago that I had written about Najimel, and during this time we got to know this girl's face, on the part of the folks of Zipper Magazine, who dedicated a number of his digital edition to this talented illustrator .
Instagram Noviembre/November 2014
Instagram Noviembre/November 2014 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pablo E. Peña P. (@pabloe.penap) on Nov 24, 2014 at 5:00am PST View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pablo E. Peña P. (@pabloe.penap) on Nov 3, 2014 at 11:15pm PST View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pablo … Continue reading Instagram Noviembre/November 2014
November Curated VSCO Grip™
November Curated VSCO Grip™ These are my selected images in November for curated VSCO Grip™ P3P510 | VSCO Grid™
Cena Venezuela Gastronómica Mérida, Día 2
Cena Venezuela Gastronómica MéridaDía 2 more of this content on my social networks Flickr Facebook Instagram Share
Cena Venezuela Gastronómica Mérida, Día 1
Cena Venezuela Gastronómica MéridaDía 1 more of this content on my social networks Flickr Facebook Instagram Share
Venezuela Gastronómica Mérida Capítulo 2
Venezuela Gastronómica is a group of the best gourmet chef and researchers in the country, with the aim to highlight, disseminate and promote the rich Venezuelan gastronomic heritage. With this idea there are organized "chapters" in different regions of the country, and now it was Mérida for the second time.
My Instagram Octubre/October 2014
My Instagram Octubre/October 2014 What can I say about this month that has not been said in my post about Trujillo?, Well, I wrote various letters and received no answer, I had to admit I do not always get what I want, even though I really want few things, and I had to make a … Continue reading My Instagram Octubre/October 2014
October Curated VSCO Grip™
October Curated VSCO Grip™ These are my selected images in October for curated VSCO Grip™ P3P510 | VSCO Grid™
Visita a la Mezquita de Caracas
Visita a la Mezquita de Caracas Español (English after) Ayer estuve de paseo por la Mezquita de Caracas, La Mezquita Ibrahim Ibin Abdul Aziz Al-Ibrahim المسجد إبراهيم بن عبد العزيز آل إبراهيم, de mano de Urbanimia. Es un sitio es increible, me lo imaginaba diferente, pero igual es muy bonito. Llegas a las puertas donde … Continue reading Visita a la Mezquita de Caracas
Vuelta a Trujillo
A tour for the province of Trujillo, in the Venezuelan Andes, following the route of the coffee, another amazing experience, a reunion with my childhood and again with the deep Venezuela.
Instagram Septiembre/September 2014
September is my birthday month, and began with a dip at the beach, on the way back from Nirgua, could not have started better, beating August, that it was confusing and a little disappointing.
Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas
Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas Español (English after) Este fin de semana pasado hice otra de las rutas de Urbaminia, esta vez por la Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas (Universidad Central de Venezuela), en Caracas, hasta ahora ha sido mi ruta favorita, estaba fascinado por todo el arte y toda la belleza de esta obra, todo contado por la … Continue reading Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas
September Curated VSCO Grid
September Curated VSCO Grid These are two of my images selected in september for the Cutared VSCO Grid, part of my trip to Merida.
Soundcheck Charlie Papa
Soundcheck Charlie Papa El pasado sábado Pocho Garcés me invito a que lo acompañara a ver la prueba de sonido de sus buenos amigos la banda Charlie Papa, una muy entretenida tarde con este grupo que tiene muy buen sonido, fue una lástima no poder quedarme a ver el show completo, ya sera en otra ocasión. Soundcheck Charlie … Continue reading Soundcheck Charlie Papa
Mobile Photography
The limitation to take photos definitely made my work begin to evolve, to be more careful and be more selective, and over time, and the help of my travels in Venezuela, the curatorship on my gallery took a major leap, and this last month has been a surprise for me, because all the photography work I've been doing with my phone has been recognized in different ways.
Las Nenas y el Bosque
Mi muy buena amiga Mónica Carrero (recuerdan Las Cosas de Hule) va a estar exponiendo este fin de semana sus muy lindas ilustraciones acá en Caracas, donde me invitó a tomar fotos, va a ser un evento muy divertido, no se lo pueden perder, ya luego haré una reseña junto al nuevo trabajo de Mónica. … Continue reading Las Nenas y el Bosque
Instagram Agosto/August 2014
Este mes de agosto fue bastante movido, con situaciones que me emocionaron mucho, lamentablemente no todo resultó como esperaba, pero quedó un material producto de tanta inspiración de estos días que me encanta y seguro van a dar para mucho más. Casi todo el mes estuve en Caracas, donde no pasaba tanto tiempo desde principio … Continue reading Instagram Agosto/August 2014