My Instagram Octubre/October 2014 What can I say about this month that has not been said in my post about Trujillo?, Well, I wrote various letters and received no answer, I had to admit I do not always get what I want, even though I really want few things, and I had to make a … Continue reading My Instagram Octubre/October 2014
Vuelta a Trujillo
A tour for the province of Trujillo, in the Venezuelan Andes, following the route of the coffee, another amazing experience, a reunion with my childhood and again with the deep Venezuela.
Instagram 10/12
Todo este mes de Octubre estuve de vacaciones en Venezuela, luego de casi tres años sin ir fue un buen reencuentro, Caracas, mas linda que nunca, Guanare, tantos recuerdos, un pequeño pueblo que esta creciendo muy rápido, todo perfecto para el final de un ciclo, pronto publicare mas cosas del viaje, por ahora estamos re … Continue reading Instagram 10/12