A few days before I go on a trip again and start new adventures here I am, making a compilation of the final weeks of 2017 and the first of 2018
Labios de Plátano – With Distinction
At the border of the forest are this wild bananas planting where I took this picture of a rising flower, that has been recognized by the VSCO Curation team.
Plátano – With Honor
This photo I took it across the street from the house of my parents in Guanare, and there was this lonely plantain plant, with these beautiful flowers.
Nueva Siembra de Frijoles Cuarentones
My inexperience made me think that already harvesting the beans the process was finished, but it turns out that storing the seeds also has its complications
My Instagram Agosto/August 2016
In August all change, I think I'm more focused on what I want to do, I'm satisfied with what I'm getting so far.
El Progreso de las Tapiramas
The Tapiramas continue to grow and finally begin to show the first flowers and some seed pods, I can not wait to harvest.
Agua – With Distinction
I love this picture, in a way says a lot about Guanare, and myself, highlighted by the Curation team of VSCO
Casita – With Distinction
In this new season in Guanare I begin a new stage of work, and one of the first photos has been highlighted by the Curation team of VSCO.
My Instagram – Julio/July 2016
July was another quiet month, spent a lot of time in the house and in the garden, also resume the project of the "Casitas de Guanare".
La Cosecha de Los Frijoles Cuarentones
A cycle had closed, mission accomplished, I had planted and harvested my first plant in my life.
My Instagram – Junio/June 2016
This was the month when the rainy season began here in the tropics, ended finally a tremendous drought caused by "El Niño".
Las Tapiramas y la Lucha Contra las Plagas
Mientras van creciendo las plantas han llamado la atención de diferentes insectos, como soy nuevo en esto he tenido que probar diferentes métodos naturales y voy descubriendo lo complejo de tener cosechas.
My Instagram – Mayo/May 2016
I try not to get bored and go out to walk around the neighborhood and try to see interesting things
El Progreso de las Tapiramas
Ya ha pasado un mes desde que sembré las semillas de Tapirama y estoy fascinado como todos los días le encuentro más detalles, como van creciendo tan rápido.
My Instagram – Abril/April 2016
I'm back again to publish the best of the month of my Instagram account, starting with the first pictures I've taken this season in Guanare.
Sembrando las Tapiramas
Preparar el terreno en el jardín fue el primer trabajo fuerte que he hecho en mi vida con mis manos, pero a pesar de esto quería hacer Yo mismo el trabajo.
Empezando la siembra de Tapiramas
Decidí crear un pequeño huerto en la parte de atrás del jardín de la casa empezando una leguminosa silvestre originaria de Venezuela y en peligro de extinción
Instagram Abril/April 2015
Holy Week arrive and I was taking a lot of pictures in Guanare, through the city trying to understand what I'm looking for.
Las Ruinas de San Rafael de Las Guaduas
As a child I traveled a lot with my family, there were many road trips per Venezuela, and always when we were leaving Guanare I seemed to see the facade of a church, as in a western movie, but it was always so fast that it was never sure if it was real or my imagination
Instagram Marzo/March 2015
I'm spending a season in Guanare preparing some projects still trying to start this year.