I like to think I'm evolving on the aesthetics I want to accomplish in photography, I'm trying some new things that I had in mind for some time, inspired by the feeling of clean rain.
My Week in Pictures – Cows, Cats and Dogs
The neighborhood where my parents live is in the countryside, and since my childhood I have seen wandering the cows in the streets
El Progreso de las Tapiramas
Ya ha pasado un mes desde que sembré las semillas de Tapirama y estoy fascinado como todos los días le encuentro más detalles, como van creciendo tan rápido.
My Week in Pictures – Plaza Bolívar
In Guanare I live remote from the city center, and I rarely go there, but this week I went for a walk around the Plaza Bolivar
My Week in Pictures – San Francisco
San Francisco is the neighborhood where I grew up, a housing development in the countryside where I had with my childhood friends the most incredible adventures
Guajira Share
My Instagram – Abril/April 2016
I'm back again to publish the best of the month of my Instagram account, starting with the first pictures I've taken this season in Guanare.
My Week in Pictures – Sunsets
The drought, a fire, a full moon, the daily blackouts and the beautiful sunsets of the Llanos
Sembrando las Tapiramas
Preparar el terreno en el jardín fue el primer trabajo fuerte que he hecho en mi vida con mis manos, pero a pesar de esto quería hacer Yo mismo el trabajo.
My Week in Pictures – Family
This week was very familiar, there was a big meeting at the home of one of my aunts and was the 41st wedding anniversary of my parents.
Empezando la siembra de Tapiramas
Decidí crear un pequeño huerto en la parte de atrás del jardín de la casa empezando una leguminosa silvestre originaria de Venezuela y en peligro de extinción
My Week in Pictures – Guanare
After China I'm spending a season in my parents' house in Guanare, I spent the days in the country, I'm having a very relaxed and thoughtful time.
Beijing 北京 VSCO Selects
Another of my photos has been curated to VSCO Selects, this time a photo of the streets of Beijing, I made this one on my last days on China.
The Streets of Beijing 北京
Most of my time in China spend it on Beijing, has been one of the best experiences in my life, a dream come true.
Panjiayuan Antique Market 潘家园
A great place of crafts and antiques, where you can get from a giant statue of buddha till a tiny bamboo cage for your lucky cricket.
Beijing Dongyue Temple 北京东岳庙
This was a great opportunity to try out my new camera and spend an afternoon in peace and harmony with all around this very special temple.
Qianhai Lake 前海
One afternoon in one of my visits to the Hutongs I decided get by Shichahai, I took the road for the Qianhai Lake which led me directly to Nanluoguxiang.