With the arrival of the rainy season in Venezuela everything turns green, it's a beautiful time, and here the in Guanare the overwhelming heat is mixed with moisture, ohh the tropic.
My Week in Pictures – Colors
I like to think I'm evolving on the aesthetics I want to accomplish in photography, I'm trying some new things that I had in mind for some time, inspired by the feeling of clean rain.
My Week in Pictures – Cows, Cats and Dogs
The neighborhood where my parents live is in the countryside, and since my childhood I have seen wandering the cows in the streets
My Week in Pictures – Plaza Bolívar
In Guanare I live remote from the city center, and I rarely go there, but this week I went for a walk around the Plaza Bolivar
My Week in Pictures – San Francisco
San Francisco is the neighborhood where I grew up, a housing development in the countryside where I had with my childhood friends the most incredible adventures
My Week in Pictures – Sunsets
The drought, a fire, a full moon, the daily blackouts and the beautiful sunsets of the Llanos
My Week in Pictures – Family
This week was very familiar, there was a big meeting at the home of one of my aunts and was the 41st wedding anniversary of my parents.
My Week in Pictures – Guanare
After China I'm spending a season in my parents' house in Guanare, I spent the days in the country, I'm having a very relaxed and thoughtful time.
Pentax K1000 Film Camera Test
Although I have a few years taking pictures with film, has always been more a game than anything else, but lately, in the personal journey that I am, I'm taking it more and more taste.
Las Ruinas de San Rafael de Las Guaduas
As a child I traveled a lot with my family, there were many road trips per Venezuela, and always when we were leaving Guanare I seemed to see the facade of a church, as in a western movie, but it was always so fast that it was never sure if it was real or my imagination
Many baby iguanas in the garden of my parents
Cot II
Since "Cat", the old cat of my parents went to conquer new roads, now they have this cute cat visiting every day, unlike its predecessor is very affectionate and likes to play, reminds me of my Buenos Aires cat Cot, besides having the same colors.
A few weeks ago I attended to an InstaMeet, which was made as part of the MoMa project Latin America in Construction, Architecture 1955–1980, and what better place than the University City of the UCV in Caracas, declared a World Heritage Site by the Unesco.
Cat el gato de la casa de mis padres
For the year I have been visiting my parents more often, I found that inhabits a new pet, "Cat" as he called by my father, is a street cat that came and stayed to live in the garden
Visita a la Mezquita de Caracas
Visita a la Mezquita de Caracas Español (English after) Ayer estuve de paseo por la Mezquita de Caracas, La Mezquita Ibrahim Ibin Abdul Aziz Al-Ibrahim المسجد إبراهيم بن عبد العزيز آل إبراهيم, de mano de Urbanimia. Es un sitio es increible, me lo imaginaba diferente, pero igual es muy bonito. Llegas a las puertas donde … Continue reading Visita a la Mezquita de Caracas
Soundcheck Charlie Papa
Soundcheck Charlie Papa El pasado sábado Pocho Garcés me invito a que lo acompañara a ver la prueba de sonido de sus buenos amigos la banda Charlie Papa, una muy entretenida tarde con este grupo que tiene muy buen sonido, fue una lástima no poder quedarme a ver el show completo, ya sera en otra ocasión. Soundcheck Charlie … Continue reading Soundcheck Charlie Papa
Acá en el trópico no existe la primavera, solo temporada de lluvias y temporada de no lluvias, pero al principio de las lluvias estos típicos árboles venezolanos empiezan a florear por un par de semanas, y llenan toda nuestras ciudades de flores y color, y acá en Guanare es un deleite. // Here in the … Continue reading Apamates
La Manada de la casa
Ando pasando una pequeña temporada en Guanare visitando a mis padres antes de partir a México y nuevas aventuras, han sido unos días muy agradables y tranquilos. Una de las sorpresas que me lleve cuando llegue fue que ahora en la casa hay dos perras que adoptaron la casa como su casa, algo que al … Continue reading La Manada de la casa
Photos of Past Weeks V
Últimamente estoy prestando mucha atención a mi Tumblr Blog, acá lo que fue mi actividad en la semana. P3P510.tumblr.com // Lately I'm paying close attention to my Tumblr Blog, so here was my activity in the week. P3P510.tumblr.com
Photos of Past Weeks IV
Últimamente estoy prestando mucha atención a mi Tumblr Blog, acá lo que fue mi actividad en la semana. P3P510.tumblr.com // Lately I'm paying close attention to my Tumblr Blog, so here was my activity in the week. P3P510.tumblr.com