Imperial College 北京國子監
(English after)
Continuando por la calle Guozijian 国子监街, justo después del Templo de Confucio, está el antiguo Colegio Imperial de Beijing, era el más importante instituto de enseñanza en el sistema de educación tradicional china, emperadores de la China imperial frecuentemente visitaban Guozijian para leer los clásicos de Confucio a miles de estudiantes.
El Colegio Imperial es otra magnífica muestra de la majestad imperial de la antigua China, bellos edificios con igualmente bellos decorados, todo un deleite visual.
Continuing down the street Guozijian 国子监 街, just after the Temple of Confucius, is the former Imperial College of Beijing, was the most important educational institution in the traditional chinese education system, emperors of the imperial China frequently visited Guozijian to read the classics of Confucius to thousands of students.
The Imperial College is another magnificent example of the imperial majesty of ancient China, beautiful buildings with equally beautiful sets, a real visual delight.

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